Heike Eckert

born 1968
nationality: German

Current positions

since 07/2020

Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Börse AG
responsible for Governance, People & Culture and Director of Labour Relations

Professional experience


Eurex Clearing AG, Frankfurt
Member of the Executive Board, Chief Operating Officer


Eurex Clearing Securities Trustee GmbH, Frankfurt
Member of the Management Board


Eurex Clearing AG, Frankfurt
Head of Section, Clearing Business Development


Eurex Frankfurt AG, Frankfurt and Chicago
2009–2010 Senior Project Manager
2007–2009 Executive Vice President U.S. Exchange Holdings, Inc. (Eurex), Chicago
2003–2006 Senior Project Manager
2000–2003 Head of Section, Global Marketing and Sales


Deutsche Börse AG, Frankfurt and Chicago
1997–2000 Head of U.S. Representative Office, Chicago
1995–1997 Employee, Benchmark Products Overseas / Market Policy & Statistics



Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Studies of Economics with major in econometrics, graduate degree (Diplom-Volkswirtin)


Université des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse
Studies of Business Administration


Universität Passau
Studies of Business Administration

Board memberships

Statutory supervisory boards

  • European Commodity Clearing AG, Leipzig, Chairperson of the Supervisory Board (Group mandate)
  • European Energy Exchange AG, Leipzig, Member of the Supervisory Board (Group mandate)

Comparable German and foreign control bodies of business enterprises

  • Clearstream Banking S.A., Member of the Supervisory Board (Group mandate)

Other board memberships

  • ISS STOXX GmbH, Member of the Shareholder Committee (Group company)
  • Fraport AG, Member of the Advisory Board 

Last updated: 1 November 2023