Inter(n)view: Joelle Marie John

People & ideas at Deutsche Börse

Release date: 26 Jun 2023

In our “Inter(n)view” series, our interns, trainees, and students share their insights into Deutsche Börse Group. Joelle studies Online Communication and joined our Corporate Communications & Engagement team as a social media intern. She now supports the team as a working student and reflects on her journey in our latest Inter(n)view edition.

Joelle Marie John

What motivated you to apply and to stay with Deutsche Börse Group, even after your internship ended?

Before my internship, I had already worked in a start-up and I knew from the beginning that I would like to gain experience in a large company during my practical semester. I was interested in how social media work looks like in a large and international company, which tasks are involved and what needs to be considered. I had only little contact with the financial sector before and I wanted to challenge myself to try something new. During my internship in the Corporate Communications & Engagement team, I had the opportunity to gain comprehensive insights into Deutsche Börse Group’s social media work. I was able to support my team in various projects in an international environment, benefit from their knowledge and skills, and I had the chance to get to know people with different backgrounds and stories. The professional and personal development I experienced motivated me to stay as a working student. Now I continue to grow and take on new tasks in Corporate Communications.

What were your key responsibilities as a social media intern? And how did they change when you took on the new position as a working student in the team?

My main task as a social media intern was to produce content for our LinkedIn and Instagram channels. This included, for example, recording and editing videos, creating captions for different content and scheduling it. I learned about existing formats and helped to create and implement new formats. In addition, I supported the team with general and organisational tasks, such as the planning of a charity bake sale on Giving Tuesday. As a working student, I now work in the area of Governance, People & Culture. Here, my tasks include the creation of various communication measures, including social media posts, but also intranet pages, news articles and briefings. Together with other working students, I keep an eye on our team mailboxes and deal with daily enquiries. My current tasks are rather administrative, but I still get to use my creativity a lot, for example when organising our Discover Day a few weeks ago.

In what ways did your internship enhance your understanding of the role of social media in the financial industry?

Overall, the internship made me realise how important it is to use social media channels strategically and responsibly to ensure effective and trustworthy communication with different target groups and audiences. I could see how social media channels are used to share real-time updates, market analyses, employee stories and company news. Furthermore, I have become even more aware of the power of social media when communicating with a wide audience and building a company’s reputation. Every social media appearance shapes the image of Deutsche Börse Group. It should therefore always be professional and authentic.

Can you share a memorable moment from your time at the company that made a significant impact on your personal growth or professional development?

A memorable moment for me was attending our student roundtable for the first time. On that evening, I met many new interns and working students of Deutsche Börse Group. Moreover, I learned a lot during the internship, especially when I was able to accompany a social media project from the initial draft to its implementation. Here, I was able to demonstrate my creativity and project management skills. In addition, the appreciation and recognition of my commitment and efforts within my team motivated and empowered me. I could feel that my work was valued and that I was making a positive contribution to the team and the company.