Settled in: Nhu Trang Hoang

People & ideas at Deutsche Börse

Release date: 13 Feb 2023

In our “Settled in” series, our colleagues, who have decided to start their careers at Deutsche Börse Group share their journeys with us. Nhu Trang Hoang, who joined our Chief Technology Innovation Office in Prague last September, talks to us about her experiences moving to a new country, her journey to become an IT developer and how she combines her work with her part-time master’s degree. 

Nhu Trang Hoang

You grew up in Vietnam. What are some highlights and challenges that you experienced moving to a new country? 

The process of moving to a new country was both exciting and challenging for me. It was exciting in the sense that as a person, I love to explore new destinations and experience the cultures there. Especially, when the destination was Prague, which for me until now is still the most beautiful and magical city I’ve ever been to. However, of course there were challenges. For me, it was hard to accept that I would not be able to spend most of the time with my family. Besides, the language barrier causes difficulties at times, because I do not speak Czech fluently yet. Since I was aware of these challenges before moving, it helped with the preparation and until now, I am still happy with my decision. 

What made you want to become an IT developer? 

When I was in high school, I always thought that I wanted to become an auditor and work in business finance. So, I went ahead and graduated with a bachelor’s in finance and accounting. However, I soon realised that it was not my passion. At my first job as a business analyst, one of my responsibilities was to prepare different sales reports and I usually questioned myself if I could automate the process and make it faster. That’s when I started learning online about data modelling and business intelligence. The more I got into the technical world, the more I enjoyed it. In every position I took since, I tried to improve my knowledge and skills. From a young and inexperienced graduate back then, I am proud today as a developer at Deutsche Börse, where IT teams are strong and full of talents. 

Next to your full-time job you are also doing a part-time master’s degree. How does Deutsche Börse support you in combining your studies with your job? 

I feel very fortunate to be able to pursue my master’s in computing without giving up my job. My team lead and colleagues are very supportive, allowing me flexible time on the days when I need to attend class. Even though most of my classes are in the evening, I usually need to finish workdays a bit earlier to make them on time. Deutsche Börse also offers many positions for full-time students, where work is scheduled individually to not collide with their studies, indicating the company’s encouraging culture towards students.  

IT is still quite a male-dominated field. What tips do you have for women who are also interested in working in IT? 

From my own experience, I can say that once you have a passion for something, there is a way to achieve it. So, for women who are interested in working in IT, start learning, keep learning and follow your dream. It is a fact that IT is still quite a male-dominated field, but I am never concerned about it. In all my roles, I have worked with very talented, supportive male colleagues; and I never felt like I was treated differently. There are also online and local groups for women in IT, which I think can be very helpful for those who are totally new since IT is a very wide field. Thus, doing your own research and talking with experienced people in the field can help you to focus on the most suitable branch and make it easier in the beginning.