eListing Structured Products: Adjustment of application formats (Excel, xml) for the inclusion of Structured Products

Release date: 11 Feb 2025

007/2025 eListing Structured Products: Adjustment of application formats (Excel, xml) for the inclusion of Structured Products Xetra Circular 007/25

1.  Introduction

With this circular, Deutsche Börse informs users of eListing for Structured Products about adjustments to the application formats (Excel, xml) for the inclusion of Structured Products in trading on the market of Börse Frankfurt Zertifikate.

Application forms for the inclusion of Structured Products in trading on the market of Börse Frankfurt Zertifikate will be switched to xml Listing Standard dXXL version 2.1 and the attached Excel format with effect from 12 May 2025.

Both formats will be available for testing in the simulation/UAT environment as of 19 March 2025.

Simulation start: 19 March 2025
Production start: 12 May 2025

2.  Participation requirements/Required action

As of 12 May 2025, Applicants need to use application forms in listing-standard dXXL version 2.1 or the attached Excel format for the inclusion of Structured Products in trading on the market of Börse Frankfurt Zertifikate. Please note that there will be no backwards compatibility, i.e. the old application forms can no longer be used after the production start.

For test cases manually entered via the test-Member Section, please register testers first. Send the names and e-mail addresses of who will need access via e-mail to zertifikate@deutsche-boerse.com. Deutsche Börse will set them up and provide them with the access data prior to the simulation start. 

The transfer of test data in xml format of dXXL 2.1 via SFTP is enabled as of 19 March 2025 via the existing set-up. 

3. Details of the initiative

The xml listing standard dXXL in its latest version 2.1, amongst others, field name “DDV Category” has been adjusted to “Product Category” following the renaming of DDV to BSW. Due to this change in listing standard, no backwards compatibility will be provided, as had been the case previously. Therefore, after the introduction of the new standard on 12 May 2025, applications using older versions will no longer be processed.

The adjustment also affects the listing application in Excel format. Here, the name of the column “DDV Category” will be replaced by “Product Category”, to also ensure the processing of Excel and xml formats. Additionally, the dropdown menu of this field will reflect the new BSW product categories analogous to the dXXL xsd-format template. Moreover, the choice for a subscription instrument in the “ISSUE_TYPE” field has been integrated. Fields referring to the regulated market have been removed where technically possible or available choices in drop-down menus have been reduced accordingly.

Newly added fields or valid values of the dXXL-Standard version 2.1 have been implemented in eListing and can be used in the xml application. However, Deutsche Börse will not validate these fields against any business rule.

These additional fields and valid values of the dXXL-Standard have no impact on the Excel-based application forms.

The new formats will be available for testing in the simulation/UAT environment from 19 March 2025. Please note that from that day on, test files in old formats will be rejected and generate an error message. 

Attached to this circular are both the new dXXL-Standard in version 2.1 and the adjusted Excel form.

Outlook on upcoming adjustments to the eListing user interface

The eListing GUI will receive a redesign. In a first step, the instrument search and the upload functionality for applications will be separated and provided as two independent menu items. In a following step, a central location for the upload of documents related to exposé-based listing applications will be created. You will receive further information in due course.


  • 1 - xsd files dXXL-Standard Version 2.1
  • 2 Adjusted Excel form
  • 3 - User Guide

Further information 


All Xetra® Trading Participants and Vendors 

Target groups:

Issuers of Structured Products, Nominated Persons, all users of the Excel and xml application formats for the inclusion of Structured Products







Authorised by: 


Frank Hoba, Petra Cinar