Landing Page: Preismodell und Listinggebühren

Your overview of the price model and listing fees

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On this page you will get an overview of all relevant information about the price model and listing fees, as well as further information on the services for issuers.

Price model and listing fees

Price model and listing fees

Here you can find an overview of the rules and regulations relating to the fees for cash trading of German Börse AG on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FWB®).

IPO-Line „Going Public“

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We support you in preparing your IPO optimally - step by step, until your first price determination.

Services for issuers

Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partners

Are you looking for DAX indices?

Deutsche Börse Cash Market

You will be forwarded to the DAX indices page of the Deutsche Börse Group.

Delayed quotes Oct 2, 2024, 8:05:45 AM

Scale 30-7,00972,30

New Companies at FWB

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All new companies in the Regulated Market
as well as the new companies in the Open Market (Regulated Unofficial Market) at a glance.

Celebrate your listing on the traditional trading floor


Use the Frankfurt Stock Exchange's trading floor for your special exchange events. Take a look at our pictures from selected events.