Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner

Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner Our capital market experts support you before, during and after your IPO

Going public is a significant milestone for any company. Necessary processes begin months in advance, and after the IPO, a stock exchange listing also entails new obligations. Properly set up and with the right support from Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partners, it can take your company to a new level of growth.

Through this network of specialists from primary and secondary markets, stock exchange aspirants and already listed companies can find the right partner for their going and being public. This includes the areas of IPO and corporate finance, investor, and public relations, ESG services, legal and auditing, investment banking as well as designated sponsoring and research.

Together with our Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partners, we keep you up to date and provide advice as well as process guidance via an extensive and diverse range of workshops, webcasts, publications and capital market insights. 

Your successful IPO starts now! How Deutsche Börse can support you


Capital Market Partner webcasts

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Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner® webcasts provide detailed information on current topics from capital market experts for issuers. Overview of our events.

Capital Market Partner News

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Read interesting insights and updates from our Capital Market Partner Network.

Become a Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner

Join us in strengthening the German capital market.

With appropriate experience and credentials proving your capital market expertise you can become a Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner.

Feel free to contact us, we look forward to hearing from you!

Can an application in Scale be filed even if I don't have a Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner?

All applications must be filed together with an applying Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner. 

What is the difference between an applying Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner and a supporting Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner?

  • Applications for the inclusion of shares, certificates representing shares and bonds in Scale must be made by the issuer together with an applying Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner. Applying Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner are lending or financial services institutions that have been recognised as Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner by Deutsche Börse AG. The criteria for recognition as a Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner and a list of recognised Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner can be found on: Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner Search. Applying Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner primarily carry out the relevant legal and financial due diligence inspections, certify the suitability of the issuer for Scale to Deutsche Börse AG and advise and support the issuer as part of the inclusion procedure.
  • Throughout inclusion in Scale, the issuer must maintain a contract with a supporting Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner who will provide advice and support before, at and during inclusion in Scale on follow-up inclusion obligations as required under exchange and general law. The supporting Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner will ensure compliance with the duties to provide notification and disclosure to Deutsche Börse AG as part of its ongoing contract with the issuer, to whom it will also provide consultation and support. In addition to lending and financial services institutions, supporting Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner may also be law and audit firms.

Where can I find an overview of Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner for the preparation of financial analyses?

An overview of Deutsche Börse Capital Market Partner for the preparation of financial analyses is available here.

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