Success strategies for family businesses

Success strategies for family businesses Preserve tradition, promote innovation, finance growth

20 March 2025 15:30 CET
20 March 2025 19:30 CET
Frankfurter WertpapierbörseBörsenplatz 460318 Frankfurt
Deutsche Börse Cash Market

This event offers shareholders, managing directors, and CEOs informative insights, practical examples, and discussions on corporate financing for owner-managed and family-run businesses. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with your peers about financing options for innovation and business growth. The day will conclude with an exclusive networking dinner at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

The event language is German.


3:30 PM

Registration & Networking

4:00 PM

Optional: Tour of the Visitors Center

5:00 PM

Keynote speeches, practical examples, panel discussion

7:00 PM

Networking dinner

Participation is free of charge, and the presentations will be held in German.

To attend the event, please send an email to Please note that there is a limited number of seats available.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:

Nicole Koludrovic

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- IPO readiness & execution

- Capital Market Partner Network

Dr. Michaela Daldrup-Arnold

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- IPO readiness & execution

- German Mittelstand Initiative

Fabienne Lindner

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- German Mittelstand Initiative



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