How we fulfilled Christmas wishes around the globe

Release date: 22 Dec 2021

Santa Claus’s job has never been an easy one anyway. And like most of us, he needs to carry out his mission under special conditions for the second year in a row now: reindeer must keep a minimum distance, Christmas elves and other helpers are quarantined, it’s difficult to keep track of the different entry requirements of each country (no exception on heavenly sleigh paths) and some families can’t gather to celebrate. In light of this situation, we were happy to continue a beloved tradition at Deutsche Börse Group and many of our colleagues decided to help bring a joyful Christmas to as many people as possible. Some of our initiatives are based on long-standing cooperations, others have been initiated for the first time this year. All of them aimed at supporting those who are less privileged during this special time of the year.

For our colleagues in Eschborn, it has become a tradition over the last ten years to support “Die Arche Frankfurt” and “awo-Jugendhilfe Frankfurt” to fulfill children’s Christmas wishes.

For that purpose, our IT colleagues have built a “virtual Christmas tree” that is decorated with the kid’s wish lists ready to be picked by our Eschborn-based colleagues. In the end, our partners picked up almost 200 nicely wrapped Christmas presents: toys, sport- and art-supplies, clothes and perfume, Lego…. Santa has seen it all.

Our colleagues in Chicago and New York also organised a wish list campaign on a digital Christmas tree. Here, we supported “Christopher House” – an institution that helps underprivileged children and families succeed in school, the workplace, and life. Four families with children will receive kitchen items, winter clothes, and toys on Christmas eve.

In Prague, we sold 173 poinsettias for the good cause. The proceeds went to “Šance Olomouc”, a charity that supports families of children treated in the haemato-oncology department of the Children's Clinic of the University Hospital in Olomouc.

“KidsOut” is a fantastic organisation in London that supports children in refuge centres. They set up a designated online shop containing children’s wishes and many of our colleagues participated in fulfilling them.

It has been about children’s wishes in Cork, as well: for the Barnardo’s Christmas Toy Appeal, many colleagues decided to make a donation from their December payroll in order to support families that cannot afford buying presents for their children.

In Singapore, we have set up a huge Christmas tree adorned with teddy bears and ornaments coloured by students from the Association for Persons with Special Needs (APSN). Our colleagues from Singapore were invited to adopt any special ornament on the Christmas tree for a small contribution and the sale proceeds will be donated to APSN.

In Luxembourg, we helped create the appropriate Christmas spirit at the “SOS Kannerduerf” by donating 12 Christmas trees.

We deeply appreciate the commitment of our colleagues around the world who participated in the numerous Christmas campaigns and thus helped fill the holidays with joy for those in need. We truly believe that small contributions can make a big difference. Being a global company pays off when it comes to supporting that one global colleague – and his helpers. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

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