February 2025 figures at Eurex

Release date: 05 Mar 2025 | Eurex

February 2025 figures at Eurex

  • Total volume on Eurex up 12 percent in February compared to February 2024.
  • Equity derivatives trading at Eurex climbed 25 percent this February.
  • Notional outstanding in OTC Clearing rose by 17 percent compared to February 2024.

Eurex, Europe’s leading derivatives exchange and – along with Eurex Clearing – one of the leading central counterparties globally, reported a 12 percent increase in total trading volume for February, reaching 173.0 million contracts compared to 154.6 million contracts in the same month last year. This growth was mainly fueled by a 25 percent rise in equity derivatives, which surged from 19.9 million to 24.9 million contracts. Interest rate derivatives experienced a 14 percent increase, climbing to 88.3 million contracts. Additionally, index derivatives rose by 3 percent, from 57.1 million to 58.8 million contracts.

In OTC Clearing, notional outstanding volumes rose by 17 percent in February, reaching EUR 39,776 billion, compared to EUR 33,882 billion in the same month last year. Notional outstanding for overnight index swaps saw a 30 percent increase to EUR 4,553 billion, while interest rate swaps grew by 16 percent to EUR 16,783 billion.

Eurex Repo, Eurex’s leading electronic market for secured funding and financing, maintained its upward trajectory with a 14 percent rise in daily GC Pooling volumes, reaching EUR 147.0 billion compared to 129.3 billion in February 2024. However, the repo market experienced a 26 percent decline, dropping from EUR 218.5 billion in February 2024 to EUR 161.1 billion in February 2025, due to persistent unfavorable market environment and reduced demand.

Business overview – February 2025




Financial derivatives: traded contracts Eurex Exchange

Index derivatives (million)




Interest rate derivatives (million)




Equity derivatives (million)




Total (million)1

173.0    154.6    


OTC Clearing²



Notional outstanding volumes (billion EUR)




- of which interest rate swaps (billion EUR)

16,783    14,450  


- of which overnight index swaps (billion EUR)

4,553    3,511 


Average daily cleared volumes (billion EUR)




- of which interest rate swaps (billion EUR)




- of which overnight index swaps (billion EUR)




Compression volumes (billion EUR)




Repo: Average daily term adjusted volume on Eurex Repo


GC Pooling³ (billion EUR)




Repo Market (billion EUR)




Total (billion EUR)




1 The total number of contracts traded includes other asset classes such as commodities.
Notional cleared volumes including post trading events such as compression.
3 Includes all currencies.

Media contacts: 
Irmgard Thiessen 
+49 69 211-1 59 11 

Fabian Vichtl 
+49 69 211-1 65 95 

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