Xentric Innovative software as a service solutions for connectivity to Xetra
The Xentric® software product family offers market participants a range of trading services to allow firms to connect their in-house systems to Deutsche Börse trading systems Xetra®, Eurex® and XONTRO®. As well as functionally rich software packages, Deutsche Börse provides a wealth of tools for the development of customised solutions. Xentric enables members to reduce their costs through using our state-of-the-art shared infrastructure and connectivity.
Deutsche Börse Group is a certified Application Service Provider (ASP) and acts as a reliable IT outsourcing partner.
Xentric Trade Machine
Xentric Trade Machine is a fully fledged algo development platform allowing users to develop their own algorithms for arbitrage trading, proprietary trading and position hedging. Xentric Trade Machine also provides order matching and allows quotation algorithms for Designated Sponsors.
Xentric Specialist
Xentric Specialist offers limit-monitoring and continuous order book checking for brokers operating through the specialist trading model on trading venue Börse Frankfurt.