Designated Sponsor rating

Designated Sponsor rating Quality seal for outstanding performance supporting liquidity

High quality standards (minimum requirements) are applied to Designated Sponsors in terms of liquidity provision. These minimum requirements include a minimum quote size (smallest permissible number of stocks on buy and sell side), maximum bid/ask spread of the quotes (largest permissible spread between bid- and ask limit) and minimum percentage of quoting in auctions and continuous trading.

In order to be able to compare the performance of the various Designated Sponsors in shares, Deutsche Börse issues a rating - a kind of seal of quality. The rating takes into account a Designated Sponsor’s average quote duration, average spread and turnover. Furthermore, the Designated Sponsor can receive an additional rating level in form of an "e" if he participates in the Xetra EnLight functionality. It serves as indication that the Designated Sponsor is also available for the execution of block trades.

A rating is only issued if the minimum requirements have been fulfilled.

The rating covers shares from the Regulated Market, all domestic shares from the Open Market as well as shares from Scale and Basic Board.

The Designated Sponsor rating is calculated and published quarterly. In addition, Designated Sponsors receive a monthly rating report for every share mentioned above. The list of all Designated Sponsors and the monthly rating can be viewed via an xls. File.


Designated Sponsor Program

Cash Market Business Development

Market Status




Parts of the trading system are currently experiencing technical issues

The trading system is currently experiencing technical issues

Xetra newsboard

The market status window is an indication regarding the current technical availability of the trading system. It indicates whether news board messages regarding current technical issues of the trading system have been published or will be published shortly.

Please find further information about incident handling in the Emergency Playbook published on the Xetra webpage under Technology --> T7 trading architecture --> Emergency procedures. Detailed information about incident communication, market re-opening procedures and best practices for order and trade reconciliation can be found in the chapters 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5, respectively. Concrete information for the respective incident will be published during the incident via newsboard message

We strongly recommend not to take any decisions based on the indications in the market status window but to always check the production news board for comprehensive information on an incident.

Emergency procedures

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